
Current submission window: (CLOSED)

Submit your work to appear in our second issue. We accept poetry, flash fiction, any form of visual art and cover art. You may submit to all or more than one category at once. You may send us up to 3 different pieces, but no more than 4 pages in each category.


  • We only publish high quality writing, so send in work that is polished.

  • We only accept work from writers who have published no more than 2 collections of poetry and no more than two pamphlets.

  • All work submitted must be previously unpublished.

  • To submit your work, email and include your work in the body of the email or attach as a word document. Notify us of which category you are submitting to in the subject line.

  • All submissions should include a bio no more than 100 words.

    We do not tolerate: abusive language, homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia or religious discrimination.

Submissions sent outside of the submission window will not be read. If guidelines are not followed, your work will not be considered.

We are currently volunteers and cannot offer payment for your writing, but it is something we are working towards.

If your work has been published in a previous issue, it cannot be published in the next issue. Please allow for one issue to pass before you submit again.

Publishing Etiquette

By submitting your work you are agreeing to the terms below:

  • As the author I acknowledge that the work I have submitted is my own and not generated by AI and has not appeared anywhere else previously.

  • I allow Inter-View to use my work in promotional materials across social media and print.

  • I grant Inter-View electronic and print rights to publish the work submitted.

  • I allow Inter-View to hold my work online for an unspecified time/period.

  • I allow Inter-View to submit my work to literary prizes where it may be re-produced again.

  • I acknowledge that if I re-publish my work anywhere else I will cite Inter-View as the original first source publisher.

We look forward to hearing from you.